Are we heroes or villains?

Nirja Sharma
2 min readFeb 20, 2022

Rabindranath Tagore., Wind and Fly LTD, 2022., accessed February 20, 2022.

Indians are a diverse people, woven as a country into a tapestry of a rich culture with varied traditions, languages and values.

That’s what defines us, that’s what makes us who we are — a nation, a society, a family and individuals.

If you think our society is a mind-boggling complex group of people; as individuals we are no different.

As humans we are a diverse, complicated mix too.

Just as a country is a mix of its people, values, culture, beliefs…

…Humans too are a mix of their thoughts, feelings, emotions, values.

We are heroes and villains — sometimes mature — sometimes childish — all rolled into one.

And however conflicting our inner workings are — each one of us — each different part of us functions together to form a working whole contributing to the world — good, bad and somewhere-in-between.

With all the strife, restlessness, rage and violence inside and outside us, humans have survived centuries, achieving amazing things that can only be described as a fantasy come true.

Wars, plague, pandemics, nuclear weapons, hate, bigotry — we have seen it all.

We however have not let the negatives overwhelm the positives. What has brought us here is — hope, love, faith, trust — these are powerful forces that have gotten us this far.

Our hearts at the end beat as one — how much ever we may deny it.

As individuals too we have seen it all. Hate, envy, love, anger, mistakes, regrets — these have shaped us to be who we are.

As a country and world too — we can work as a whole — all our diverse parts working together to create, empower and build rather than destroy.

So, why don’t we;

Create not ruin

Restore not damage

Repair not shatter

Put together not divide

Unite not break-up

Connect not separate

Bond not alienate …

… as individuals and together as a whole.

Now more than ever!

“Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one.”

John Lennon, Imagine



Nirja Sharma

An individual full of contradictions can only hope that life in words will pave a way for a harmonious yet challenging life.